Wednesday, January 21, 2015



Healthy couples achieve the existence of a sense of belonging that intertwine the following qualities:
1. Experiment and focus on positive emotions in the relationship. To do things together that are pleasurable and fun. Such as going to the movies to see a fun movie, to take a walk, to share with good friends or family, a picnic at the beach, walk to recreational sites and social work (voluntary service).

2. Trust. To trust in each other is vital for the relationship to be harmonious and for both to feel connected. The security of knowing that they will not do anything to hurt each other. Know they can count on the other because it is your ally and knowing that everything, the other will do, will be for the good of the relationship.

3. Empathy. Put yourself in the place of another. When there are arguments or disagreements instead of reacting defending your point of view, pay attention and active listen your partner. This is not about invalidating your point of view, but rather, to make the other feel it is important to you how the other is thinking and feeling. This commitment must be reciprocal.

4. Fidelity. Being faithful to the other involves respect and believe in the existence of love and the bond they have. Be clear what is involved and the responsibility that entails. Choose and decide exclusivity, is undoubtedly one of the most important areas for a healthy relationship partner.

5. Communication. Clarify what each other wants from the relationship and take responsibility for the positive things you want to happen. Communicate what they want in ways that the other can accept. The best way to communicate is to be clear and direct, but always communicating desires-not requirements. We recommend using sentences with “I”. For example: “I wish we could talk more than before”, “I wonder ..”, “I feel I ..”. This strengthens the relationship and connecting more. Also, avoid resentment, confusion, alienation and lack of resolution on important issues.

6. Privacy. The security of having another accessible, have their support when I need it. Implies that everyone can feel close to another to share you experiences, feelings and emotions of each other. This reinforces the commitment, affection and security in the partner.

7. Passion and making love. Lovemaking should allow a connection between that feeling. Try not to neglect chemistry and sexual attraction. Comment your partner to make you feel sexy and desired by you. In a couple, when they want to communicate affection, among other things you can try, to kiss, smile, hug, sustained and tender glances, holding hands and everything that can encourage physical contact.

8. Flexibility and mutual respect. Recognize the differences and not to focus on what you do not like about your partner. Allow the couple to be who they are, respecting their individuality to express themselves and be seen as they are. Not to be judged or criticized.

9. Establish limits. What is and what is not permitted is a matter of much importance. The limits must be clear from the start. For example: to participate in activities outside the home, spend the night away from home, consult the other about expenses incurred with the checkbook, always sharing with family, etc ..

10. Seek professional help. Be alert and recognize signs of stress in the relationship. If the dynamics of the relationship are mostly about uneasiness, anger, alienation and insecurity is necessary to assume the responsibility to seek help from a professional in couple’s relationship. This process will assist them heal any unresolved emotional wounds and reorganize their mutual affections.

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