Thursday, August 3, 2017



The ability of adults to reason in some situations is different from that of children and adolescents. There may be situations that the adult would perceive harmless or innocent, whereas for a child it could be frightening. An example of this could be the visit to a doctor, minor surgical intervention or an injection for vaccines.
Exposure to new experiences in children could prove to be traumatic. This is because, contrary to adults, children may reason to a new experience with fear because they do not know if they will be sure not to suffer any harm. Life experiences in adults allow them to reason differently, for example, going to cut their hair, to wear unpleasant clothes, to try new foods, to sleep alone and/or with the lights off, to visit new places and to interact with people. The way to rationalize these experiences is different and even think that we should feel fear we could see it as something ridiculous or absurd. Unfortunately, in these circumstances in some cases for a child, it would be a real challenge to face the experience, and they can have or feel real terror and panic. That feeling of terror can continue to affect the child for a long time and even in adulthood.
It is unhealthy that in the behavioral and emotional management of adults towards children to minimize the children’s expressions of experiences that the adults may be considered innocent or harmless. Doing so, ignoring the moment of terror that the child may be feeling, can cause an emotional trauma, which could affect the child for the rest of his life. For example, when the father takes his child for a haircut or to the dentist, but the child refuses intensely, with much fear and yet is forced under such circumstances. In this case, the child may begin to experience nightmares, phobias and changes in behavior. Because of this experience, the child may have developed some emotional trauma and this trauma can still be present in adult life. This trauma could in turn, impact his relationship with his dad. It is very possible that subconscious feelings of anger may arise for the rest of his life toward his father’s figure because he never established or tried to resolve the emotional trauma that occurred during his childhood.
The discipline aspect is very important in the development of a child. During the period of discipline adults should not minimize the seriousness of the children’s emotional reactions. If the child demonstrates disproportionate negative emotions toward a situation, the adult should consider this as a warning that something is truly wrong. The adult should consider intervening in the moment and give the child time to ask about their fears, sensations and feelings. First of all, the adult must try to make the child feel secure, confident that there is no danger, and as long as it is reasonable, the adult should try to grant his wishes.
In the adult life we may experience feelings and emotions of anger, regret, sadness, fear, anxiety and other negative emotions. These feelings, when there are no causes identified in the present and consciously, it is very possible that they originate from past experiences. If these feelings and emotions have been causing a negative quality of life for a long period of time, you should consider visiting a mental health professional. The help process can help you reduce and eliminate these unpleasant emotions. When you do this, you could live more free of emotional and physical pain.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017



Meditation is a practice that people have been following for thousands of years. The amazing health benefits associated with meditation has contributed a lot towards its popularity in today’s world. Here is a list of some of the most prominent benefits that are associated with mindful meditation
  • It can effectively reduce stress – Meditation can simply be defined as a mind without agitation. Stress has the ability to create agitation, which can contribute towards accelerated wear and tear of the human body. When you practice mindful meditation, you will get the ability to regulate the emotions in your brain in an effective manner. This can help you stay away from stress.
  • It can improve concentration – When you are meditating, you would be focused and centered in everything you do. Meditation can be divided into different categories and focused attention meditation holds a prominent place out of them. This can be considered as a basic and the simplest type of meditation. The objective of focused attention in mindful meditation is to constantly focus on your breath, which can improve concentration.
  • It can boost happiness – One of the most convenient methods available for you to be happy is to practice meditation. It can put you on the fast track to be happy. From the recent studies, it has been identified that meditation has the potential to increase the signaling of your left brain. This is responsible for delivering positive emotions. Negative emotions would be reduced from the brain as well through reducing the activity of the right brain. In addition, meditation can increase acceptance and self-awareness. As a result, the habit of meditation would contribute towards your overall wellbeing within a short period of time.
  • It can slow down aging – Premature aging has become a hot topic of conversation today. Meditation has the ability to slow down premature aging of the brain. That’s because meditation is powerful enough to change your brain physiology in a positive manner. Cognition would be preserved within the people who meditate on a regular basis. In addition, people of meditate on regular basis would have an increased amount of gray matter, which can give life to more brain cells. This has the ability to slow down the aging process and reduce the stress that affects your body.
  • It can contribute towards a healthier body – Last but not least, mindful meditation has the ability to contribute towards your cardiovascular and immune health. Meditation is powerful enough to induce relaxation within your body, which can increase nitric oxide concentration. This would open up the blood vessels and reduce blood pressure. It has been identified by numerous studies that meditation can help a high blood pressure patient to reduce it. On the other hand, meditation can improve your immunity and you would get the opportunity to stay away from a variety of health conditions.

Sunday, April 23, 2017


PTSD Caused by an Injury

An injury can cause PTSD. We usually think that PTSD is caused by a life-threatening event, war, natural disaster, or sexual assault. The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) defines PTSD as a disorder that develops in some people who have experienced a shocking, scary, or dangerous event. The experience of a severe or traumatic injury can start a number of different negative emotions in our minds. The impact on the life of the victim who has suffered this type of traumatic events, which may result in some cases with a disability, either a permanent disability or a partial disability, can initiate the symptoms of an emotional trauma. PTSD can also develop from injuries with deformities or severe permanent scars. Pain is part of the process of rehabilitation and recovery after an injury; it is an emotional response that is natural and common due to the traumatic event. Clinical symptoms of PTSD may also result from the chronic pain following an injury. Children and teenagers can also suffer from PTSD. In the very young, the signs and symptoms may not be the same as in adults. The very young can start to wet their beds, forget to or stop talking, become more needy or act out the scary event during play.


  • Having recurring flashbacks, bad dreams, and frightening thoughts of the injury/event.
  • Problems with concentration, confusion, and memory.
  • To avoid thoughts or feelings related to the injury/event.
  • To feel sad, numb, depressed or hopeless.
  • Problems or difficulty sleeping.
  • Feeling angry, anxiety, tense, fear, easily startled.
  • Feeling of guilt, shame, denial.
  • Loss of interest in activities, family or people you used to enjoy.
These symptoms can be explained as normal reactions to a severe injury or trauma. Everybody is different and these symptoms may take time to recover. If the symptoms persist for a longer time than the natural, let’s say more than 6 months, there is a high probability that professional help is required to resolve these symptoms.
Medical interventions can help control and/or minimize symptoms with medications. While a mental health professional, a specialist in the area can provide treatment using therapy techniques to process and alleviate emotional symptoms. A help focused on the emotional trauma provided as soon as possible will allow to accelerate the recovery of the physical injury.


  • The recurring flashbacks, bad dreams, and frightening thoughts of the injury/event continue for more than 6 months.
  • Feeling depressed or hopeless.
  • Continue to avoid situations or places that remind you of the injury.
  • Your work, your relationships are affected, your family continues to tell you that they are concern about you.
  • Inability to initiate new relationships.
  • To begin or to increase substance abuse, alcohol or prescription medications to treat your emotional pain.

Anyone who is sufferings from PTSD should seek a Mental Health Professional to alleviate their pain. The signs and symptoms that we described above will not resolve on their own. Everybody is a different person with different symptoms. A Mental Health Professional can provide individualize therapy to accommodate the specific issues of the person. Depending on the severity of the PTSD some people may only require therapy, others may require medical treatment and therapy sessions, and others may need a long term commitment to their treatment. A Mental Health Professional can help to minimize or eliminate the negative thoughts, memories, and sensations that linger and continue to affect your quality of life in a negative way. Time is very important in the treatment of PTSD, the earlier the treatment starts, the sooner you start resolving all the symptoms that are affecting your quality of life in a negative way and you will be able to have a faster and healthier recovery.
For more information contact Irene Rodriguez, LMHC, CAP, CCTP at 954-376-0496 in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida or Dr. Caroline Rodríguez Mercado, M.A., PSY.D. at 787-690-0311 in Santurce, PR.

Tuesday, April 11, 2017


Benefits of EMDR Therapy

EMDR is recognized as a treatment of trauma and PTSD.
It can reduce the symptoms of fear for people suffering from phobiaspanic attacksobsessive-compulsive disorder and generalized anxiety disorder.
It can reduce the symptoms of depression caused by disturbing life experiences.
It can help with the disturbing memories in victims of crimes, sexual assault victims, victims of natural and manmade disasters or in workers who deal with violence and crime like, police officers, firefighters, and first responders.
It can help with the disturbing feelings from been incapacitated from an accident, surgery, or a severe burn.
It can relieve excessive grief due to the death of a loved one or the feeling of guilt from witnessing the death.
It can help with the negative thoughts, disturbing memories in people suffering from drug/chemical dependency, addictions, gambling. It can help in the recovery and it can decrease the chances of relapse.
It is not yet clear how EMDR Therapy works neuro-biologically. However, we know that when we are upset or experience a traumatic incident, our brain cannot process information as it normally does. Sometimes the moment of the incident that we feel threatened, humiliated, or endangered “freezes in time” in our memory, and remembering that incident may feel as bad as passing through it the first time because images, sounds, smells and feelings are “frozen” and have not been properly processed in our mind. These memories and recollections that have not been processed have a lasting negative effect that interferes with the way we see the world and the way we relate to other people.
For more information contact Irene Rodriguez, LMHC, CAP, CCTP at 954-376-0496 in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida or Dr. Caroline Rodríguez Mercado, M.A., PSY.D. At 787-690-0311 in Santurce, PR.

Monday, April 3, 2017


Resolve and move Forward

“Resolve it and move on. Flee and you will repeat it.” -Leandro Taub

In many occasions we fall into this trap, not to resolve it, to flee from what makes us experience unpleasant sensations. The strategy to flee/escape allows easy exit to difficult situations. The abuse of this strategy can become a problem of control. When this happens we begin to get distracted by long-term actions that will only produce more emotional distress. Those situations waiting to be confronted and resolved will get worse, making a heavier burden.
So, to be able to resolve difficult situations, consider using this strategy with moderation. Be aware at all times that the situation/problem deserves a solution. What we want is an action on your part that in a long run will not be more painful for you.
We are with you!

-Dr. Caroline Rodriguez-Counselor Psychologist, Santurce, P.R.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

better life and health


You probably have heard a hundred times that eating right, exercise, loss weight, stop smoking is good for your health. Let’s look at it in a different way, let’s look at improving or making changes in our lifestyles, let’s add healthy behaviors and we can end up with a better life and health.
  1. Eat Smart. Let’s learn healthy eating habits. Buy a book, go online, ask your Doctor or nutritionist to teach you how to eat healthy. Learn the difference between carbohydrates, fats, fiber, fruits, vegetables, protein, salt or sodium intake. Learn to control or to reduce the portions. We are eating way too much, especially when we go out, the portions are too big. Learn to eat more fruits and vegetables, and reduce your carbohydrates. You don’t need to eliminate all carbohydrates, just eat less and make sure the carbohydrates you eat are high fiber grains. Use low-fat dairy and learn the difference between good and bad fats, use good fats like in fish and nuts. Use lean protein like lean meat, chicken, eggs. Use less salt or sodium. Drink plenty of water, if you drink a glass of water before a meal it will help you to eat less.
  2. Increase Physical Activity. Start slow if you don’t do any physical activity. You can make small changes in your lifestyle to increase your physical activity. Use the stairs, park your car further to walk more, try to walk or use a bicycle for transportation and exercise. The American Heart Association recommends at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity at least 5 days per week for Overall Cardiovascular Health in Adults. Remember #1 Eat Smart. If we consume less calories and burn more calories we can control or lose weight.
  3. Alcohol in Moderation. Moderate use of alcohol can be beneficial to some people, red wine can have some health benefits. Moderation and changing behaviors are important if alcohol is consumed every day or in excess. If a person cannot slowdown or cannot stop drinking on its own then this person needs to seek professional help.
  4. Quit Smoking. By now everybody knows that smoking is bad for your health. A lot of people still smoke cigarettes today. In 2014, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention stated that an estimated 40 million adults in the United States currently smoke cigarettes.
  5. Adequate Sleep and Rest. We all need good quality and quantity sleep. Please check with your physician if you have problems going to sleep or staying asleep to make sure that you don’t have any medical problems like sleep apnea. If you don’t have any medical problems, we can make changes in our lifestyle to make sure we get a good night sleep. Go to sleep at a regular time, make sure your bedroom is comfortable for sleep; temperature is not too cold or too hot, decrease the noise, dark enough, the bed/mattress is comfortable. Use the bed for sleep or sex only, meaning no food, no pets, no television. Adequate sleep is important for good physical, emotional and psychological health.
  6. Reduce your Stress. Learn relaxation techniques, you can learn formal relaxation techniques with a professional or you can learn on your own. There are several simple activities that can help you relax and forget your stress: go for a walk, get a pet, exercise, take a long bath, use candles, soft music, read a book, arts and crafts, get a hobby, volunteer in your community, watch a movie, laugh/comedies, learn to meditate, learn mindfulness, etc.
  7. Learn to live positive. To learn how to live positive we have to be honest with ourselves. Stop judging, stop living in the past, and live in the present. Learn that if you think positive, if you are honest, kind, generous and friendly, it’s a lot healthier than living negative, angry, jealous and alone, and you will live happier, healthier and longer.

Thursday, December 17, 2015


Tips for Improving your Mood

1. Exercise
Exercise helps you to feel better and improves your self-esteem. Make some time every day or as often as possible so you can get some exercise.
2. Take the time to do things you enjoy.
Make a list of things you like to do. Call it your “life list.” Then do something from your life list every day. It will brighten your day.
3. Have a Hobby.
Spending time doing something you love to do generates an optimistic feeling and adds excitement to your life.
4. Do things that make you feel good about your appearance.
A new haircut, a new set of clothes, special make-up, and maintaining your physical health can do miracles for your attitude.
5. Spend time with people who make you feel good about yourself and with people who treat you well.
Avoid people who treat you poorly. Almost everybody has a friend that makes them feel good when they are together. Spend more time with them. Then, of course, avoid spending time with those who are destructive and make you feel bad about yourself.
6. Be happy about your environment.
Whether you live in a single room, a small apartment or a large home, make that space comfy and beautiful for you. If you share your living space with others, have some space that is just for you, a place where you can keep your things and know that they will not be disturbed, then decorate it any way you choose.
7. Display items that you find attractive or that remind you of special times or people in your life.
If the cost is a factor, use your creativity to think of inexpensive or free ways that you can add to the comfort and enjoyment of your space.
8. Take opportunities to learn something new or increase your skills.
Take a class or go to a seminar. Many adult education programs are free or very inexpensive.
9. Do things that make you feel better about yourself.
If you keep doing those things that you know will make you feel better about yourself, like going on a diet, beginning an exercise program or keeping your living space clean.
10. Make it a point to treat yourself well every day. 
You will find that you will continue to learn new and better ways to take care of yourself. As you incorporate these changes, your self-esteem will continue to improve.