Thursday, October 9, 2014

The benefits of assertive discipline in children

The benefits of assertive discipline in children

Everything we think, do and feel, have been substantially influenced by the way we were disciplined in our childhood. When we refer to the term 'discipline' we are talking about the means used to change, to mold, to adopt a conduct of a person in order to act in a responsible manner. Considering the impact of discipline in the development and education of children, it is important to know some important factors that influence discipline.
There are four authority styles:
1.       Authoritative. Uses physical punishment. For those parents who choose this style of parenting, they must consider the negative consequences in their relationships with their children. It is suggested to note that there will be social problems, will be patterns of aggression, communication problems, will have difficulty initiating and establishing social relationships.
2.       Permissive indifferent. This style is characterized by thoughts to be beneficial only if conflicts are avoided. If the parents do not have knowledge of their children activities (that they actually do), they do not establish rules, limits, and instead of taking responsibility to do they prefer to ignore it. When this occurs it will develop behaviors and values of irresponsibility, social incompetence, and the children will value their activities more than their parents. They will feel the need to always receive the attention.
3.       Permissive indulgent. These are parents who are aware of their children, participate in their activities, but do not demand controls and do not teach them responsibility. The consequences of this style are the inabilities to control their impulses, self-control problems and have difficulty respecting others.
4.       Authoritative. It is the parent who establishes clear rules and demands to follow the rules. They are affectionate, have open communication with their children, they correct the appropriate faults. The consequences of this style are the possible lack of development of a sense of responsibility, confidence, self-regulation and social competence.

Discipline is not an easy task, requires a sufficient maturity, consciousness, self-control and knowledge of the needs and developmental stages of children. If you do identify with some of these styles that result in negative consequences we suggest you start taking action. Here are some healthy measures: talk to the child and sets goals of discipline, identify desirable and undesirable behaviors. Develop skills of listening and respond-no react. Give effective commands, select a method of discipline that immediately reward good behavior, do not reward the misconduct and use the appropriate punishment for any misbehavior.

Finally, if you do not have good controls and need direction to develop and implement a healthy and effective discipline with your children to help them be okay with themselves and society, it is never too late. Get help, consult a professional in this area or contact us to assist you in the process of transformation.

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