Thursday, November 6, 2014

Overwhelming Emotions

Overwhelming Emotions

People struggling with overwhelming emotions often deal with their pain in very unhealthy, very unsuccessful ways because they don’t know what else to do.  When a person is in emotional pain, it is not unusual to hear them to be rational and to think of a good solution. Nevertheless, many of the coping strategies used by people with overwhelming emotions only server to make their problems worse.

Here is a list of some common coping strategies used by people dealing with these problems:

1.       They spend a great deal of time thinking about past pains, mistakes, and problems.
2.       They get anxious worrying about possible future pains, mistakes and problems,
3.       They isolate themselves from other people to avoid distressing situations.
4.       They make themselves feel numb with alcohol or drugs.
5.       They take their feelings out on other people by getting excessively angry at them or trying to control them.
6.       They engage in dangerous behaviors, such a cutting, hitting, picking at, or burning themselves or pulling out their own hair.
7.       They engage in unsafe sexual activities.
8.       They avoid dealing with the causes of their problems, such as an abusive or dysfunctional relationship.
9.       They used food to punish or control themselves by eating too much, not eating at all, or throwing up what they do eat.
1     They attempt suicide or engage in high-risk activities, like reckless driving or taking dangerous amount of alcohol and drugs.

All of these strategies are a path to even deeper emotional pain, because even the strategies that offer temporary relief will only cause them more suffering in the future.  Traumatic Incident Reduction (TIR) is a technique that has been proved to resolve overwhelming emotions.  In Mindful Journey Center we use this technique, please contact us by email: or by phone at 954-376-0496 for a consultation about how TIR can help.

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