Thursday, September 11, 2014

Recovery: Fear and Worry

Recovery: Fear and Worry

Fear is a normal emotion. Overcoming fears moves us and creates happiness. Fear left abandoned, however, can be a major lump to your recovery and an obstacle to reach your potential in life.
It is normal to feel fear in early recovery. Most people are hesitant about facing new situations. Some of them have never managed in society without using drugs or being sober.  The idea of thinking what’s ahead can be overpowering.
The individual with addiction problem has learned that the best way to be safe and free from fear is to try to control everything.  The problem comes when we have a little control. For alcoholics and addict, lack of control does not feel safe. It spawns all manner of concerns and fears.
Some individual with addiction problem will find difficult to identify their fear and will turn it into anger.  Some of them will find themselves overwhelmed by fear and feel without control, powerless and panicked. In the other hand, at times they will feel confident and sometimes too much so. Overconfidence and cockiness are dangerous in sobriety. These outlooks diminish the severity of the addiction or the amount of effort needed to work through their fears. People in recovery must always give addiction its due respect.
Afraid to transformation: Afraid to no change
Most alcoholics and individual with addiction problems have the same fears in early recovery:
1.       Living a life without drug use and sober.
1.       Changing or losing relationships
2.       Fear to the future
3.       Facing the past
4.       Facing others
Methods of coping with fear
1.       Accept that fear is normal.
2.       Live one day at the time.
3.       Deal with your problems one at the time.
4.       Trust your Higher Power.
5.       Use your support system.
6.       Engage in constructive activities.
7.       Stay focus on your recovery.
8.       Be kind to yourself.
9.       Challenge your irrational beliefs.
10.   Move out of your comfort zone.

Facing the fears is an important part in recovery.  With help of friends, is possible because nobody has to be alone in this process. Many people have been thought this before and they can be a guide.

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